Innovation. Craftsmanship. Reliability.
Combo-Metering / Single Main / MMP
Service Entrance Disconnect
Double Throw Fusible Pull Out Style

- Double Throw Fusible Switch, Type “T” Current Limiting Fuses with attached Meter Socket and Manual By-Pass.
- Ratings are 30-400 amp 600 volt, 3 phase 4 wire, and 1 phase 3 wire, NEMA 1/3R dual rated and ISC ratings of 100KA RMS symmetrical with no cable lashing required. (Please contact factory for higher ratings)
- Safe, Reliable Operation. Only one service source (normal or standby) can feed the load.
- Contact Factory for High Inrush Applications – i.e. Motors, Transformers, etc.
- Made from 16ga Galvaneal steel painted powder painted standard color ASA 61 Gray with tamperproof with lockable covers.
- Equipment is ETL listed and labeled conforms to UL 414 standards. Equipment meets all NEMA and NEC code standards,Suitable for Service Entrance Equipment.
- Contact factory for Utility compliance.